Book Four, Daniel: Chaos Reigns is published!
The writing of Book Five, Daniel: I See Chi, is well underway.
Other books in the works.
A science fantasy set in a very different world and time. A primitive but nobel people are called on by the Creator to save their world and the universe from creatures who have crossed from other dimensions.
High energy, passion, and emotional turmoil are viewed through the eyes of Eldar, Naldan, and their people.
Target published date is summer of 20?? Still needs editing.
Core Beliefs
A science fantasy set in modern times, it follows the life of Mathew Lehman and a close gropup of friends through triump, trajedy, and leaps of blind faith as he seeks to discover and do the will of one called Enivid.
This small ensemble call themselves Dlrow Wen, and base their lives on four truths:
“All Human life is precious and valuable.”
“There is no just reason to willingly take the life of a human being.”
“Technology should be used only for the betterment of life.”
“The developers of technology are morally and ethically responsible for its application.”
Though fully written, it will take years to edit the 250,000 plus words into multiple novels for public eyes.
No promised publish date yet.
Daniel Crawford, The Saga continues,
books four through seven
Three novels tracking the life, trials, and triumphs of Daniel Crawford.
He's a young man seeking peace both within and without but it seems every step he takes brings chaos and misery.
Book four, Daniel, Chaos Reigns, is released.
Book five, Daniel, I see Chi, is over 50,000 words and in process.
Book six has most of the plot and material laid out, but is waiting for me to finish up books four and five.
Book seven is written, but might be revised if the characters throw me a twist in five and six.
The Samantha Crawford Chronicles.
Gifted with scary amazing abilities, Samantha carries on in the footsteps of her father, Daniel.